When it comes to making money online, no beginner is an expert and making money online entails working hard and experimenting with the many options, until you find something that works for you. At first, it may look like an easy process but once you start blogging and realizing making money is not as easy as it seems, you start questioning the essence of blogging.
This is a normal process and every blogger has to go through this process. The most important thing to remember is to keep on going and never to give up.
One mistake most beginners do is to think about how to make money first, before even thinking of who will or who are your real customers or audiences. To be frank and from my own experience, you are not going to make any money, until when your blog will gets enough exposure. Putting ads immediately after posting one or two posts will be just a waste of time.
Instead, you should focus on creating quality contents, building traffic, email list and then you can think of monetizing your blog.
So, what does it takes to build a good money making online business or a website? Here are a few tips that can help you;
Choose the Right Niche – The best way to start is by choosing a niche that you are an expert in or what you are passionate writing about. However, whatever niche you choose, there must be a ready market for it.
There are several tools you can find on the internet, such as, the Market Samurai that can help you in finding a good, less competitive niche with a high demand.
Set Your Goals – For any business to be successful, you need to have specific goals and objectives. Set your goals as soon as you start blogging and work hard towards accomplishing those goals. However, your objectives should be realistic, attainable, sustainable and not over the board. Setting unrealistic goals and objectives will make you feel less motivated in case you do not accomplish them as you expected.
Build Quality Contents – The next step is to build quality contents. Building well targeted contents that is acceptable by both your site visitors and the search engines.
Distribute Your Contents to Build Backlinks – Guest blogging, social bookmarking, search engine submission, forum posting and submitting your contents on articles submission sites like e-zine help you in generating traffic and establishing yourself as an expert in your field. By doing this, you are able to attract more targeted visitors as well as you get your site noticed by search engines.
Once your website is visible by search engines and you have managed to create a loyal followings (your site is getting atleast 100 unique visitors in a day), you can now think of the way to monetize it. You blog will mostly like not be getting adequate traffic, so you will have to think of the best way to make money with a low traffic website.
Lastly, from what I have learned, there is no short cut to making money online, unless you are going to turn to black SEO practices, which will only be short lived. If you want to success in making money online, there is only one pathway to follow; search for a less competitive niche, build traffic, establish trust with your visitors and then you can start monetizing it.