AdzPays Review – $20 Monthly Subscription Cycler

AdzPays is a new program that claims to be an advertising cum revenue sharing program where affiliates can earn money in three different ways. The program is ran by the same admin who created another similar advertising company JubyAdShare that  only lasted for a few months before it collapsed.

Joining AdzPays
Joining AdzPays is free. However, if you want to earn some money, you must pay a monthly subscription of $20 and purchase positions in a single line cycler or in a revenue share ad program. Each cycler position cost $20 and revenue ad units cost $5.

AdzPays Line of Products
AdzPays is not offering any retailable products or services. Affiliates join the program and purchase positions in a single line cycler and/or in a revenue share program that allow them to earn a commission and a certain ROI, upon expiry of revenue share units. Bundled with these positions is some advertising impressions that allow them to advertise their banners in a listing directory of the same website.  Cycler positions cost $20 while rev share unit cost $5 per package.

AdzPays Compensation Plan
AdzPays compensation plan revolves affiliates purchasing positions in the company’s single line cycler and revenue share program. They are then paid commission, which is paid as follows;

1. Single Cycler Compensation Plan
A singly line cycler is where all affiliates are placed in a single line on first come, first served basis.  In every 5 positions purchased, 4 positions cycle out and each 4 affiliate earn $2 per cycle. So, a total of $8 for the 4 affiliates. You are only allowed to earn up to 50 times. You also receive a free re-entry to the cycle.

Note: You cannot pay directly for a cycler position. A $20 monthly subscription fee is required to purchase a position in the cycler. You may purchase up to 5 subscriptions per day. Once the subscription expires, the position stops earning.  Multiple subscriptions are  also treated separately by the system.

2.  Revenue Share – Each ad packs costs $5 and you earn 2% per day, until a ROI of  120% is attained. You must also have an active subscription to purchase revenue share ads units.

3.  Paid to Click – AdzPays claims to pay $0.01 per click.

Other Ways to Earn with AdzPays

  • Login Ads
  • Banner Ads
  • Paid To Read Emails, delivered to your mailboxes.

Referrals Commissions
You earn a referral commission of 5% on the first level referrals, 3% on the second level referrals and 2% on the third level referrals on the revenue share as well as on the single line cycler.

AdzPays Payment Processors and Withdrawals
AdzPays is currently accepting Egopay and Solid TrustPay. There is unspecified minimal deposit fee to cover the exact payment processors’ fee and a flat charge rate 2% fee for all withdrawals. Minimum withdrawal is $3.

With every affiliate required to pay a $20 monthly subscriptions in order to earn in either the single line cycler or revenue share program, I fail to understand the relationship between the monthly subscriptions and their compensation plan.  If the monthly subscription is for adverting needs as they claim, why should those only interested in the cycler or revenue share be required to pay the same.

It seems the monthly subscription fee is created to make sure there is constant flow of cash to pay the existing affiliates. This is the reason why you can purchase up to 5 subscriptions.  However, the constant flow of cash will only be available if they are new affiliates signing up and paying. Otherwise, you can expect AdzPays  to collapse within as few months just like what happened to the other scheme – JubyAdShare.

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