Websites Where You Can Get Paid Blogging

Get Paid Blogging

Nowadays, there are many websites claiming you can make money by getting paid to blog. However, not all of these websites are worth a recommendation and it is most likely if you join any of them, you will end up getting disappointed when it comes to time of payment.

Some of these websites will disappear soon after you submit your first review or after you have made some money.

This is one reason why it is always important to do a background check before joining any program to save you time, energy and spare you from unnecessary disappointments.

The following is a list of a few websites where you can get paid for blogging about different products, topics or services or even placing advertiser’s ads on your blog:


PayU2Blog pay their registered bloggers for completing assignments assigned to them on time. They accept blogs of high quality and only notify bloggers who meet their requirements. If you blog doesn’t qualify, you are not notified.


Reviewme accept blogs with specific ranking. You are required to register and then submit your blog for approval. If your blog is approved, you are given an opportunity to access different reviews on their website.

If you decide to accept an offer, you then write a review on your blog where an advertiser can access and buy it. The review prices can be very high, ranging in between $20.00 to $200.00 per review.


You earn cash by writing honest reviews about advertiser’s products and services. In addition, a review should be written in an attractive way and appealing to the audience. Some advertisers require discloser badges to be placed on the publishers’ blogs while others may require site-wide disclosures.


SocialSparks connect bloggers directly to advertisers. It is very easy to join and open to all, provided you have a high quality blog.

Basically, you just have to  sign up, create a profile and then link your blog to SocialSpark.

You will then be asked to authorize Google analytics and direct publishing on their supported platforms. Once you are through this step, you can now start accepting offers from the advertisers.

Offers from the advertisers are called opportunities and details what the advertiser want you to blog about and how many points you earn.

After you have finished writing a post, you are required to submit it back for approval. If the advertiser approves it, you get paid through PayPal.


Blogvertise pay you per task or per blog ad placed on your website. If you are assigned any task to write about, you are are required to include atleast 3 links pointing back to the advertiser’s website. You are then paid for your honest opinion about a particular product or service.

You need to write around 100 words or 2-3 paragraphs for a task to be approved. The task must be completed within 5 days.


LinkWorth is a relativaely new site offering bloggers different ways to earn money online such as linkword and linktxt for web surfers and link post for bloggers.

A link post is a paid blog post written by any blogger within the Linkworth Community. The advertisers are allowed to choose what they want bloggers to write about.

Here you have my list of the few websites where you can get paid for blogging. If you have a website and you would like to start earning money through paid blogging, visit any of them to learn how to get started.

Make sure you also read their terms of use and any other important information before you can submit your blog for approval.

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